About Us
Te Mana Ora began from humble beginnings with the sole purpose of teaching and sharing authentic instruction in ʻOri Tahiti (Tahitian Dance). Very soon after, additional workshops in Tahitian Drumming, Costuming and Language were added. The success of these workshops quickly led our team to realize that cultural and artistic teachings form other Polynesian islands could also be shared at Te Mana Ora.
In 2017, Te Mana Ora hosted its first Hawaiian Arts seminar with Kumu Hula Kealiʻi Reichel as our first Guest Artist from Hawai'i. With the focus now on all Polynesian arts we are proud to be able to offer our participants access to a wide variety workshops taught by extremely talented artists, teachers and musicians. This year we are proud to announce our partnership with Tupuna Kultur, a full, cultural immersion group seminar retreat that takes place in Moorea, French Polynesia.
We are committed to always raising the bar at Te Mana Ora, and keeping standards high so that we can deliver the best possible instruction and experiences to all participants who attend.
Past Te Mana Ora Guest Artists
2018 Summer: Māhealani Uchiyama (ʻOri Tahiti)
2018 Summer: Kawika Alfiche (Hawaiian Oli / Hawaiian Hula)
2018 Spring: Moena Maiotui (ʻOri Tahiti)
2017 Summer: Kealiʻi Reichel (Hawaiian Oli/Hawaiian Hula)
2017 Spring: Adelina Hanere (ʻOri Tahiti/ ʻOrero Tahiti)
2016 Spring: Adelina Hanere (ʻOri Tahiti)
2016 Spring: Henry George (Tahitian Drumming/ ʻOri Tahiti for Tāne)
2016 Spring: Auntie Mel (Tahitian Costuming)
2015 Spring: Adelina Hanere (ʻOri Tahiti)
2014 Spring: Adelina Hanere (ʻOri Tahiti/ Tahitan Cultural Lecture)
"When you learn, teach. When you get, give."
-Dr. Maya Angelou
Our Mission
To provide a platform where Polynesian artists of all levels and backgrounds can learn directly from accomplished masters in the industry.
Our Vision
For participants to be educated, enriched and enlightened; then bring all that home and share it with their own students and fellow dancers.